How Much Juice In One Orange & Tips to Extract More Juice from One Orange

How Much Juice In One Orange

Making your fresh orange juice is a great way to get your daily dose of Vitamin C, but how many oranges do you need for a glass? It depends on the size of the oranges and how much juice you want to extract from them. In this blog post, we will give you an estimate of how much juice in one orange so that you can make the perfect batch of orange juice!

Oranges are a type of round citrus fruit with thick skin and filled with juicy segments, but they can also be used in recipes like smoothies or salads. Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and other nutrients. They may provide some health benefits like reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

How Much Juice In One Orange?

Oranges are a fruit that is enjoyed by many. The juice provided by these fruits can vary, depending on the size and type of orange. However, most people will find that there is enough juice in oranges to enjoy.

An average-sized orange contains 4-5 tablespoons of juice. That means that an average orange will yield between one-quarter or one-third cups of liquid. Depending on the size and juiciness of the orange, that could be more or less. If you want to make a larger quantity of juice, you can simply use more oranges. For example, if you need one cup of juice, you would use two or three medium oranges. Remember that the more oranges you use, the thicker your juice will be. If you want to make a thinner juice, add some water to it after juicing.

How Many ml Of Juice Is In One Orange?

One average-sized orange will yield around 100 ml of fresh orange juice, but this can vary depending on the size and juiciness of the fruit. Generally, If you want to make a larger batch, just multiply the number of oranges by 100 to get the total amount of juice in milliliters. So, if you need 600 ml of orange juice for a recipe, you would need six oranges.

Keep in mind that the amount of juice in an orange can vary depending on the type of orange and the mix you are making. For example, Valencia oranges have a lot of juice, while navel oranges have less juice. Therefore, if you’re mixing juices together, the total volume will be less than if you drink just one type of juice.

What Oranges Should I Buy for The Most Juice?

When it comes to buying oranges for the most juice, we need to consider the different types of oranges. Each type has a different amount of juice that can be extracted from them. Below are the six best oranges for juicing.

Valencia Oranges

Valencia oranges are a type of orange often used for juicing because they are juice-rich and sweet. In addition, they don’t get bitter even after being stored in the fridge for a couple of days, making them an excellent choice for juices that you want to last for a few days.

Valencia oranges are the best type to buy when you want the most juice. They have a rich, sweet taste and low acidity, making them perfect for both juicing and eating.

Valencia oranges are the best option for those looking for the most juice. While they contain a few seeds, the rich juice content makes up for the hassle of removing the stray seeds. Additionally, Valencia oranges are some of the sweetest oranges you can buy.

The Valencia orange season typically runs from March to July, where you’ll find the most juice in these oranges. So if you’re looking for an orange with lots of juice, Valencia is a good option.

Navel Oranges

Navel oranges are a type of orange that is typically used for both eating and juicing. They are so-named because they have a navel, or small protrusion, on their surface.

Navel oranges are a type of seedless orange and have a sweet taste. They are easy to peel and can be eaten fresh or juiced.

The navel orange is the most popular type of orange in the United States. It’s also the best for juicing because its juice doesn’t go bitter as quickly as other types of oranges. Make sure to drink it right after juicing for the best flavor.

Cara Cara Orange

Cara Caras is a type of navel orange that is characterized by its deep red flesh and high sugar content. They are typically smaller in size than other navel oranges and have a tart, acidic flavor.

Cara Cara oranges are a type of navel orange. They have a pink-orange color and a sweet flavor.

Cara Cara oranges are a type of navel orange that are seedless and have more vitamin C and A than regular navel oranges. They are also sweeter and less acidic, making them an excellent choice for juicing or eating fresh.

When it comes to Cara Caras, you’ll get the most juice out of them if you stick to a moderate quantity.

The Cara Cara orange is a low-acid citrus fruit that is perfect for juicing. This orange is great for making refreshing drinks and cocktails with a sweet and tart flavor.

The Cara Cara orange is a type of orange with a sweet taste. In addition, there is a moderate quantity of juice in Cara Caras. Consequently, they are perfect for juicing and making smoothies.

Blood Orange

Blood oranges are one of the juiciest oranges because they have a lower acidity level than regular oranges. They get their name from their deep red flesh, which results from the high levels of anthocyanins in the fruit.

blood Orange for Juicing

Blood oranges are a type of orange with a dark-red peel and deep red or crimson flesh. They are typically more tart than other oranges, but they have a unique flavor that makes them a favorite for many.

There is nothing quite like the sweet and delicious taste of blood orange juice. It has a distinct berry kick that makes it stand out from other orange juices. Plus, it’s perfect for those who want a tasty and refreshing drink.

Blood oranges are a type of orange that can be found from December to April. They get their name because they have red flesh, making them look like they’re bleeding.

Tangelo Oranges

Tangelo is a hybrid breed of the Tangerine and Pomelo. It is typically larger than a Tangerine and has a milder taste than a Pomelo.

Tangelos are a type of citrus fruit rich in vitamins such as A and C and other nutrients like calcium and magnesium. They are also a good source of dietary fiber. Tangelos make a healthy snack or can be added to recipes for an extra boost of flavor.

A Tangelo is a good choice if you’re looking for a fruit that will give you a lot of juice. They are about the size of a human fist, making them slightly bigger than tangerines but smaller than pomelos. This makes them the perfect size for snacking or using in recipes.

Interestingly, one tangelo can easily give around 3/4th glass of juice. This makes for 10-12 tablespoons of juice, which is great for a quick drink or recipe addition.

Clementine Orange

Clementine is a hybrid between a navel orange and mandarin orange. This is a sweet-tasting and juicy orange with reasonably low acidic content. The peel is a dark orange color with smooth skin.

Clementine Orange for Juicing

If you have a Clementine orange, you’ll get about one ounce of juice from it. So, to make a glass of fresh Clementine orange juice, you’ll need two or three Clementines.

The Way To Select An Orange To Get Maximum Juice

When selecting orange juice, there are a few factors you should consider. The most important factor is taste. You’ll also want to consider the color of the orange, as this can indicate its sweetness and juiciness.


The weight of orange is generally a good indication of how much juice it contains. Heavier oranges will have more juice than their lighter counterparts.

Interestingly, the weight of an orange is a good indicator of how much juice it contains. The heavier oranges will have more juice to offer than the lighter ones. So, when you’re looking for an orange to get the most juice out of it, go for the heaviest one.

Thin Skin

Thin-skinned fruits, like oranges, help you to appreciate the amount of water inside them better. The thin skin allows you to see and feel the water more easily, making you appreciate the fruit more.

Interestingly, it will be easier for you to determine how much juice from one orange with thin-skinned oranges. Conversely, if a heavy orange is 50% skin, it won’t give more juice.

An orange with thin skin is the way to go if you want to get maximum juice out of it. The skin is thinner and easier to peel off, and the water content tends to be higher.

An orange with thin skin is the best option for extracting juice. The thicker the skin, the less juice will be available.

Bright And Glossy Shell

The brightness and glossiness of an orange’s shell is a good indicator of its freshness. The brighter and glossier the shell, the fresher the orange is.

In order to get the most juice out of an orange, it is essential to select one that has a bright and glossy shell. This means that the orange is in season and will have the most juice.

First and foremost, when selecting an orange to get maximum juice, make sure the skin is brightly colored. It probably won’t yield as much juice if it’s dull or starting to show signs of spoilage.

An orange with bright, glossy skin is usually ready to eat. The skin color indicates how ripe the fruit is and how much juice it will contain. A dull or pale orange means that the fruit is ripe and will not have as much juice as an orange with brighter skin.

Few Seeds

When you are choosing oranges to juice, select those with few seeds. This will give you more juice since the seeds will not be in the way.

The amount of juice in one orange depends on how many seeds the orange has. An orange with few seeds will have more juice than one with many seeds. However, if you only have one seedless orange, you can get almost half a cup of juice from it. If you have a lot of seeds, you will get less juice from each orange.


Oranges that are in season will likely taste better and be cheaper than those that are not. Look for oranges with a deep orange color and a slightly firm texture.

For juicing enthusiasts, it is crucial to know when oranges are in season. In-season oranges will be at the best ripeness level for juicing, and they will also be affordable! So, take advantage of seasonal prices and enjoy fresh orange juice every day!

The freshness of the oranges

The juice you get from an orange depends on how fresh it is. The fresher the orange, the more juice you can extract.

In order to get the most juice from your oranges, you need to make sure that they are ripe. If they are not ripe enough, you will only get a small amount of juice from them. Also, make sure to select oranges that are bright in color and have smooth skin.

White Pith

Some oranges have a white-colored, thick pith. Although it is rich in fiber, it results in orange with less pulp. Furthermore, taking away the pith might be a time-taking procedure. Therefore, it is better to consider an orange with a thin layer of pith.

How to Make Orange Juice

Here are 2 methods to make a cup of orange juice, whether using an electrical juicer or using a handheld juicer.

With a Juicer Method

You can use a juicer to make all kinds of different juices. An electric orange juicer is a convenient way to extract all the juice from an orange in a blink. You will need an orange, a juicer, and some water. First, cut off the top of the orange and then cut off the bottom to stand up on its own. Next, cut off all of the skin.

Next, start by peeling the oranges. This will make it easier to chop them into smaller parts that will fit your juicer chute. Then, chop the oranges into small pieces and feed them into the juicer. Once it’s done, you’ll have fresh orange juice that you can enjoy immediately or store in the fridge for later.

With a Handheld Juicer Method

A handheld manual juicer is a small device that you use to separate the juice from the pulp and quickly extract the juice from the fruit.

To make orange juice with a handheld juicer, first cut the oranges in half. Then place them over the juicer and push them down. The liquid will come out of the oranges and into the container on the juicer.

To get the most juice out of an orange, hold it in one hand and use the other hand to squeeze the orange while rotating it back and forth. This motion will help extract as much juice as possible.

If you want orange juice with pulp, spoon some directly out from the remaining orange (after squeezing the juice out) and add to your glass. You’ll get a little more fiber that way, and it will give your drink a bit of thickness.

Tips on how to extract more juice from your oranges

  • When you’re ready to juice an orange, roll it on the counter or cutting board before slicing it in half. This will break the membranes and make it easier to get the juice out.
  • Warming up oranges helps get the most juice possible out of your oranges. It’s as straightforward as just rolling your orange around in your hand for a matter of seconds. You can also prick the orange’s skin with a skewer and then put it in the microwave for about fifteen seconds. This microwave technique is likely to work a little better and makes life much easier when you get to the juicing stage.
  • Cutting your orange into quarters is a great way to get the most juice out of it. When you cut your orange into quarters, it becomes much easier to squeeze the fruit, and thus you will yield more juice. This is because there is less skin and membrane to get in the way and obstruct juice flow. You can also do this by slicing off the top and then slicing the orange in half from top to bottom.

Read more: How Much Juice in One Lemon


What’s the Difference Between Orange Juice and Orangeade?

Orange juice is made from oranges, while orangeade is a drink made with water, sugar, and oranges. It’s usually served cold or over ice.

What to do with any Leftover Pulp?

After extracting the juice from oranges, there will be leftover pulp. This can be frozen into ice-cube trays and used later for smoothies or other recipes that call for orange pulp.

What are Good Replacements for an Orange?

Although the taste is different, both grapefruit and lemon can be used as a substitute.

Is it Beneficial to Drink Orange Juice Every Morning?

It is Okay to drink orange juice moderately. Oranges are rich in sugar and could affect your blood sugar level.

Do You Need Many Oranges to Make Fresh Orange Juice?

You will need one orange to make a small glass of fresh orange juice. If you want more, you will need more oranges. For a cup of juice, you will need three or four oranges. The amount of juice in each orange varies depending on the size and type of orange. Some oranges have more juice than others.

Can Orange Juice Help Burn Extra Body Fat?

Absolutely yes, orange juice includes higher amounts of vitamin C, which helps to increase metabolism. So, once your metabolic system boosts up, your fat melts away.

Faster metabolism allows you to melt down the extra fat from your body the whole day. So, you can use other vegetables or fruits that are rich in this vitamin.

What to do with the Leftover Peel?

The best way to use up the orange peel is to make candied orange peels. Candied orange peels are a delicious and easy treat that you can make at home. They are perfect for snacking on or adding to desserts.

Is It Cheaper To Juice Your Oranges?

It is cheaper to buy store-bought juice than to juice your oranges. This is because the cost of the equipment and the time it takes to juice an orange outweigh the price difference between store-bought and home-juiced orange juice.

On the other hand, freshly-squeezed orange juice is more expensive than bottled orange juice. However, it contains significantly more nutrients than the bottled variety. For this reason, it may be worth it to invest in a juicer and make your orange juice.

Can I Include the Orange Peel in the Juice?

Orange peels are full of nutrients; they are effective for skin, hair, digestion, and a lot more. That is the reason some people choose to add it to their juice. Nevertheless, orange peels might contain harmful chemicals and viruses despite being washed.

Furthermore, they could be bitter, ruining the taste. As a result, it is best to peel your orange before juicing.


If you’re looking for a fun way to get your daily dose of Vitamin C, fresh orange juice is always a good choice. Not only is it delicious and refreshing, but it’s also packed with antioxidants that can help keep your immune system strong. Plus, oranges are relatively inexpensive and easy to find year-round, so you can enjoy a glass of juice any time you want.

This article offers you a comprehensive insight into how much juice in one orange. Also, you find out about the different types of oranges. So now you are all set to get the best type and the most correct number of oranges and at last have the right answer to your question: “How much juice in one orange.”

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